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C5700A-SERIES C5700A - Schaefer High Power AC/DC Supply

  • 6500W - 8000W
  • AC/DC Power Supply
  • Input / Output isolation
  • Overvoltage protection
  • Thermal shutdown with auto-restart
  • Op temp – 40 to +75 °C
  • Industrial grade components
  • High power density
  • Compact robust design
  • Fan cooled

C5700A - Schaefer High Power AC/DC Supply

Product Overview

Schaefer Electronics AC/DC Converter Modules from 6.5kW to 8kW.

Schaefer Electronics robust design uses industrial grade components and provides a high density, space-saving solution for applications in industries such as railway controls and industrial equipment (onboard and track side) oil rigs applications, fuel cell applications, transportation, telecoms systems, process control systems, and power stations.

Parallel operation  Single output modules of the same voltage / power rating can operate in parallel under specific conditions. The output voltage can be carefully adjusted to be near identical. When there is sufficient loading on the combined output, all units will be active and supply the load. The load demand must be significant enough for the multiple units to deliver output current.

Redundant operation   The inclusion of the option “dd” (decoupling diode) on the output of the units will permit parallel operation, where the inability to provide output from one unit will not have a negative effect on the load provision. The decoupling diode will also result in a load regulation value, which, as a percentage of the output voltage, will be unit / output dependent. In terms of calibration the same criteria follow as for parallel operation .

Power factor correction (PFC)   Power supplies draw line current in pulses from the input supply. Should it be required, a PFC will integrate these pulses to be both, effectively sinusoidal in shape, and in phase with the AC input supply. The result of this integration, be it active or passive, is the reduction of the harmonic distortion and allows a more effective loading of the input source.

Spike suppression  High input voltage spikes generated in the supply system that could disturb operation of the unit or cause damage will be absorbed by a varistor across the input lines .

Thermal shutdown with auto restart   The higher power Schaefer modules are fitted with a thermal shutdown. In the event of a temperature rise above a preset value, the unit will turn off. This safety feature will then remain active until the point of temperature measurement has reduced significantly. The time duration for this to be reached is dependent upon the environment and level of cooling .


Input voltage

1ph 115/230Vac

3ph 200/400/480Vac

See selection table

Units will turn off with under or over input voltage.

No-load input 30W typical
Inrush current 3-phase AC input limited by thermister
Switch on time <1s typical.
Input Options

See selection table for details

Option i: Inrush current limiting

Option ie: Electronic inrush current limiting

Option sd:Reverse polarity protection for DC input by input by series diode

Option ad:Reverse polarity protection for DC input by anti parallel diode

Option au:Auto-ranging

Output voltage

Voltage range; 4.5 - 400Vdc

See selection table

Output power

6.5kW to 8kW

See selection table

Ripple & noise <1% + 30mVpp
Line regulation 0.1% (±10%)
Load regulation 0.2% typical, load step 10-90%
Load transient 6% typical, load step 10-90%
Response time 10ms typical ±1%
Temp coefficient 0.02% per °C typical.
Holdup time 10mS at 220VAC typical
Turn on rise time 300mS typical (soft start)
Remote sense standard for all series up to 150 V output, except for battery chargers; up to 10 % of Unom for output < 60 VDC, up to 6 V for output > 60 VD
Overload protection Current limited at 105%–110% of full load.
Overvoltage protection OVP switches off module with automatic return to operation; after 5 seconds, the unit will remain latched off
Efficiency 80 - 95% typical
Output Options

See selection table for details

Option dd: Decoupling Diode for redundant / parallel operation

Option cs: Active Current Sharing

Option csi: Current sharing interrupt (“cs” included)

Option icsi: Current sharing interrupt (“csi” included), galvanically isolated

Option h1: Inhibit by external closing contact, signal referred to input

Option h2: Inhibit by voltage signal, signal referred to output

Option h3: Inhibit by closing contact, signal referred to output

Option rco: Reducing current limiting at over temperature

Option rd: Reverse polarity protection for DC output

Signal Options

See selection table for details

Option pr: input voltage supervision (power ok) incl. relay contacts

Option dr: output voltage supervision (DC ok) incl. relay contacts

Option cf: charger / converter fail supervision incl. relay contacts

Option ac: AC ok for inverter including relay contacts


Programming of output voltage

from 0 to 100 %

eu1: by external signal, 0 – 10 V

eu2: by external signal, 4 – 20 mA

eu3: by 270° potentiometer

eu4: by 10 turn potentiometer

Programming of output current

from 0 to 100 %

ei1: by external signal, 0 – 10 V

ei2: by external signal, 4 – 20 mA

ei3: by 270° potentiometer

ei4: by 10 turn potentiometer

Isolating amplifier

for programming

lso: Programming signal is galvanically isolated from any potentials of the power supply.

Programming via

rs: RS232 (external)

can: CAN Bus (external)


Monitoring of output voltage

from 0 to 100 %

mu1: by external signal, 0 – 10 V

mu2: by external signal, 4 – 20 mA

Monitoring of output current

from 0 to 100 %

mi1: by external signal, 0 – 10 V

mi2: by external signal, 4 – 20 mA

Isolating amplifier

for monitoring

Iso: Monitoring signal is galvanically isolated from any potentials of the power supply.

Monitoring via

rs: RS232 (external)

can: CAN Bus (external)

Operating temperature

-20°C to +75°C

(optional -40 to 75C)

Load derating Derate 2.5% per °C, from +55°C to 75°C

F: Fan - for increased airflow

Storage temperature -40°C to +85°C
Humidity Up to 95% RH, non-condensing
Environment Options

See selection table for details

Option t: Tropical protection

Option c: Extended temperature range

Option ms: Increased mechanical strength

EMI standards acc. to EN61000-6-4 class A, optionally class B
Immunity standards acc. to EN61000-6-2
Safety / Construction acc. to EN60950-1 / EN50178
Protection category

IP20 acc. to EN60529

NEMA or others on request


approx 700Khrs at 40°C

acc. to MIL-HDBK-217E (notice 1)


High power modules are constructed in 19" format

Dimensions See Technical illustration
Mechanical Options

Option w: Wall Mounting

Selection Table



± 20%






+15% - 20%



+15% - 20%



+15% - 20%



+15% - 20%












C5761 400      ----    ----     ----     ----   ----   F   9 8 - 10
C5762 400      ----    ----    ----    ----  ----   F   12 11-13
C5763 385   C5783 C5763V C5783V C5793V 400   F   15 14-16
C5764 250   C5784 C5764V C5784V C5794V 310   F   24 23-26
C5765 215   C5785 C5765V C5785V C5795V 270   F   28 26-30
C5769 115   C5789 C5769V C5789V C5799V 145   F   48 45 - 55
C5766 95   C5786 C5766V C5786V C5796V 120   F   60 58 - 68
C5767 50   C5787 C5767V C5787V C5797V 62   F   110 100-130
C5767J 32   C5787J C5767VJ C5787VJ C5797VJ 40   F   200 190-200
C5768 26   C5788 C5768V C5788V C5798V 32   F   220 200-250
C5768J  16   C5788J C5768VJ  C5788VJ  C5798VJ  20   F   400 380-400
Option “i” Inrush current limiting: A thermistor is connected in series with the input lines which changes its resistance from high to low when it gets hot. It does not reduce the current surge if the input power is interrupted for a short period of time not allowing the thermistor to cool down. Thermistors are fitted as standard to all mains input models except for 1-phase input of models > 2.5kW. Thermistors are available up to 45A. For higher input current an electronic inrush current limitation can be offered.
Option “ie” Electronic inrush current limiting : An electronic circuit limits the high inrush current caused by built-in capacitors. Switch- on time may increase to 5s. This is realized by a series pass transistor or depending on the input voltage by thyristor softstart..
Option “sd” Reverse polarity protection for DC input by series diode: A series diode protects the module against DC input voltage of wrong polarity. However, this also causes extra losses and reduces the overall efficiency..
Option “ad” Reverse polarity protection for DC input by anti parallel diode: To avoid the power losses a diode is provided with opposite polarity in parallel to the input blowing an internal or external fuse if the module is connected to a supply of wrong polarity.
Option “au” Auto-ranging: For standard dual AC input models the range of 115 / 230 V AC is to be selected by connecting the input line to different pins on the connector. With auto-ranging the unit senses the input voltage and provides automatically the correct connection.
Option “dd” Decoupling diode:A series diode built into the units output allows paralleling of 2 or more units for redundancy or higher power or battery charging. For control purposes the anode of the diode is also available at the output connector. It cannot be loaded ≥ 0.5A. The sense signal is taken partially from the anode and partially from the load/cathode of the decoupling diode. This guarantees starting and operating under all conditions, but it also effects the regulation accuracy of 2%. In this way it gives a load sharing of 15-30% between the paralleled units.
Option “cs” Active current sharing:An additional control circuit provides active current sharing via an interconnecting wire between converters that operate in parallel. The output lines of the converters have to be in “star point” connection
Option “csi” Current sharing interrupt (“cs” included)“csi” will effect the removal of the “cs” signal from the load voltage common connection. Should there be an instance where a unit is not supplying the load, then the effect of its current sharing signal is removed, and the load voltage is unaffected by this condition. In terms of calibration the same criteria follow as for parallel operation.
Option “icsi” Current sharing interrupt (“csi” included), galvanically isolated: The inclusion of “csi” (current sharing interrupt) and the galvanic isolation is the optimum set up for systems with high power or high currents, were the voltage drop on the power wiring could influence the cs signal.
Option “h1” Inhibit by external closing contact, signal referred to input: The operation of the unit is inhibited when a voltage signal is applied in reference to the negative line of the input. This can also be used in combination with a thermal trip, which shuts the unit down.
Option “h2” Inhibit by voltage signal, signal referred to output: Operation of the unit is inhibited if a voltage signal (5V / 10mA) is applied in reference to the negative line of the output
Option “h3” Inhibit by closing contact, signal referred to output: The operation of the unit is inhibited when a voltage signal is applied in reference to the negative line of the output. This can also be used in combination with a thermal trip, which shuts the unit down. Please note: Only relevant solution for inverters.
Option “rco” Reducing current limiting at over temperature: A circuit reduces the current limiting level at higher temperature (to be specified).
Option "rd" Reverse polarity protection for DC output: by reverse diode with external fuse.
Option “pr” input voltage supervision (power ok) incl. relay contacts:A logic signal is given if the input voltage (AC or DC) drops below the specified limit. In AC input models the rectified input voltage is sensed so that a power fail alarm can be avoided if at light load mains power returns before the input capacitors are substantially discharged. A relay contact is provided for failure indication
Option “dr” output voltage supervision (DC ok) incl. relay contacts:A logic signal is given if the output voltage is below the specified limit. A relay contact is provided for failure indication. DC ok level: 5V output: 4,75V all other voltages: 90% of adjusted voltage
Option “cf” charger / converter fail supervision incl. relay contacts: A logic signal is given if the input voltage, the auxiliary voltage of the primary side and the current of the primary side exceed or go below a specified range. A relay contact is provided for failure indication.
Option “ac” AC ok for inverter including relay contacts:A logic signal is given if the output voltage of an inverter is below the specified limit. A relay contact is provided for failure indication
Option "t" Tropical protection: The unit is given additional protection by a heavy coat of varnish on the printed circuit board(s) and on components to achieve 99% RH, non condensing.
Option "c" Extended temperature range:The circuit is designed and tested for operation at an ambient temperature as low as –40 °C.
Option "ms" Increased mechanical strength: Screws are secured by Locktite and heavy components are fastened by ties and/or glue. Modules with the "ms" option meet the standard EN61373 regarding shock and vibration.
Option "w" Wall mounting:Modules, which have the wall mount option, are typically fixed to a structure or within a cabinet. Depending on the size of the module, this may be done with a flat or angled plate (see photo). The load connections are typically through a terminal block. Should the application not require a pluggable module / rack solution, wall mounting presents an alternative option for the customer to choose from.

Technical Illustration

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